Sunday, May 15, 2011


I can hardly believe it but Beckham is two today. :)
At two years old he...
  • sleeps in his crib with two burp cloths
  • LOVES basketball (and any other sport for that matter)
  • is a huge daddy's boy
  • is starting to talk more but still in speech therapy
  • runs, jumps and climbs on everything
  • often makes his body go "floppy" while wrestling
  • has four teeth still trying to make their way into his mouth
  • loves to watch High School Musical
  • asks for a cookie or cereal (in sign language) about 10 times a day
  • prefers juice to milk or water
  • seems unusually strong for a two year old
  • is very loving
  • can maneuver my iphone better than most
  • emulates his big sister
Here are a few pictures of our birthday bash we had yesterday. He is so much fun!

B's cousin Than came up from Vegas for the party. They had a great time playing together.
Grandma gave Beckham a poster of Jimmer and he paused the entire show to carefully study the poster. The love for basketball this kid shows is CRAZY!

Here is a group photo of all the party goers, with the exception of Nathaniel who opted out of the photo.
All fun and games until the pinata breaks.......! Once we finally busted the pinata open all the kids ran for the goodies and poor Beckham cried because his basketball was broken. It was pretty sad.
Thanks to are our cake pops. :)

In honor of the birthday boy's love for cookies!

Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate and we missed those of you back in Texas .